Alternative Provision
Bright Butterfly Unregulated Alternative Provision is a new educational setting in Banham, Norfolk. Its mission is to provide high quality, engaging and personalised learning for children and young people. Contact us for more information.
Experienced and Specialist Tuition for S U C C E S S
Bright Butterfly has been set up by Alison Whitefield, an experienced teacher, SENDCo and school leader with 32 years experience across all phases and sectors. We practice developing:
S Self-awareness
U Understanding
C Creativity
C Confidence
E Expression
S Skills and knowledge
S Self-esteem

Transforming Outcomes
Bright Butterfly aims to transform the learning outcomes of learners from KS1 to 4. We often work with the most vulnerable children and young people, and we are SEND specialists.
We offer academic and creative learning in our purpose- built classroom. Our approach is completely bespoke.
Our Offer
KS1-KS3: National Curriculum/ English & Maths/ Foundation Subjects/ Project -based learning.
KS4: GCSE/ AQA Units/ Asdan. Core subjects and a range of Creative Subjects.
We use a wide range of effective Platforms and Accreditation:
Asdan, Arts Award, GCSE, AQA Centre, White Rose Maths, Pobble, The Write Stuff, Letterjoin, Little Wandle
Ethos and Intent….
At Bright Butterfly we draw upon a range of key educational concepts, from Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle, Cognitive Load Theory, Dweck’s Growth Mindset, Trauma-Informed Practice, to name a few! Our aim is to transform the learning experience, attainment and progress for our pupils, removing barriers to learning and finding individualised and effective ways for children and young people to learn. The S U C C E S S ethos are our key pillars, ensuring achievement and self-worth; personal growth with progress & attainment. We work closely with school and parents to establish a baseline and devise bespoke programmes of learning drawing on this and pupil’s interests.
Implementation…. We work on either a 1:1 or a 1:2 basis in a small Classroom Hub. Programmes are devised in learning ‘chunks’ of Precision Teaching which are specifically tied into the time to do them. A visual timetable of the sessions guide pupils through these ‘chunks’ and as they are completed they are acknowledged and ticked off. This routine of learning, prepares and encourages reluctant learners, as they learn the tasks are achievable, with rewards built in. We work closely with schools to devise effective programmes and ‘catch’ success as we progress through assessment markers. We work creatively to secure engagement.
Impact…. Our learners make progress and this is reflected in the outcomes they produce with us, but also back in school. A recent ASD pupil progressed from a Grade 2 to a 5 in English; a year 6 pupil increased her score across all her SATs papers; a home-schooled pupil started an Art GCSE following great challenges, and is doing well.
Admission Process
Contact us to discuss a possible placement as early as you can, as places are very limited. We will talk through both the pupil’s needs and where we might start. We will share our Policies and Practice and you can explore our website. We will arrange a visit to you and visits to us for the Pupil, Parents and Staff.
Visits from us to you and you to us take place. We have a lovely rural setting and our Classroom is small and informal. Visits give us all a chance to meet, talk and consider the next steps, as well as share more information. This all contributes to making a successful plan.
When the visits have been done, all relevant information shared and we are all happy, we can set a Start Date. When we start, we begin by gathering Baseline information with the pupil and this will include some straightforward Assessment so we know where to start and we can hear the pupil’s voice. A personalised Program will be written and shared with school and home. A brief summary of each session will be shared with the Home School after every session and sent through to a Key Contact.

Booking a place
Please get in touch this Summer Term to discuss Admissions for September 2024. Provisional bookings will be taken and Visits take place at the start of September 2024 (week beginning 02/09/24), with Placements starting Week beginning 09/09/24.
Policies and forms can be downloaded from our Downloads page, under the Resources tab.